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Data is the untapped resource 
in simulation training. 
We transform this RESOURCE into actionable insights.


Advanced training 

within arms reach.

  • Bring simulation training to all roles.

  • Evidence based training using data capture.

  • Lower cost, portable simulators.

  • Sustainable solution.

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Instructors can pick from a variety of pre-built scenarios.

  • Simulates 13 emergency scenarios 

  • Custom scenarios can be created and existing scenarios can be modified to make them more appropriate. 

  • Tried & tested system – currently being used by Irish Air Corps.

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Simulation training enables higher performance in less time and for lower cost.

  • Affordable off-the-shelf Virtual Reality simulator for AW139 Search & Rescue Rear Crew Training

  • Full Realtime comms between student and instructor as standard. 

  • Data capture and individual profiles gives instructor oversight on performance over time.

  • Customised bespoke solutions based on individual users requirements.

  • Lightweight, portable system can be deployed to public-facing events in order to raise awareness and understanding of the organisation.

  • Instructor can control aircraft, environment and emergency scenarios.

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To begin capturing data 

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